Thursday, January 6, 2011

Mantup Temple

Besides Jl. Jogja-Solo connecting the multiple locations of the temple, apparently there is another way in which characterized the same Yogyakarta Jl. Jogja-Solo. The road is the road that connects the city of Yogyakarta with city Wonosari and more popular by the name of Jl. Jogja-Wonosari. The easiest way to reach Jl. Jogja-Wonosari of my house are as follows. On Jl. Jogja-Solo, exactly at the junction Janti, turn to the right to go east Ringroad. In Ringroad east at the first intersection (not the big intersection after the overpass down) turn to the left. Well, until deh on Jl. Jogja-Wonosari.

The location of the temple is surrounded by rice fields.

Temple made of mossy bricks.

There is a kind of cavity for connection. I do not know what does.

Andesite stones we expected as other parts of the temple.

If you continue to browse this way, we'll get Wonosari, a town of Gunung Kidul Regency. But do not worry, because I browsing and Andrew are doing on Thursday (02/19/2008) it does not need all the way down to Wonosari. On Jl. Jogja Wonosari Km 7, on the north road (on the left side of the road if Jogja) is a blue gate that reads Hamlet Mantup. Not far from the gate, there is a plaque of cement concrete pink that read Hamlet Mantup, Baturetno Village, Kec. Banguntapan, Kab. Bantul, Yogyakarta. Just follow the road into the blue gate and about 200 meters on the left side of the road there will be a public cemetery called Segara Madu. Well, at the funeral please park your vehicle and do not be confused if the right-left field all its contents. Not far from the cemetery, in the northwest there is a white board stand upright. It was there Mantup Temple is located.

I do not understand why for the archaeological ruins, some are calling the site and some are calling the temple. For the first time here and imagine that the Temple Mantup is truly the temple in general would be stunned to see the shape of the Temple Mantup. Like in the picture above this article, this temple consists of three buildings measuring approximately 2x2 meters. If the third examined these buildings have some sort of room in it and there is a small entrance into the chamber which faces toward the west. According to sources on the internet, the temple was found identified as Kalyanasundaramurti statue, depicting men and women in positions berdampinngan and holding hands. Allegedly is a depiction of the marriage of Lord Shiva and Parvati. Because of this alleged temple is a Hindu temple and is expected to be built in the 8th century to 9 AD.

We also had a chance to do a little observation on the site this small. Of the three buildings, the only building located on the north side of the brick. Ironically all three buildings were filled with moss. Not far from the entrance to the temple, we found the stones are large andesite we expected as the stone temples. Most of the surface of the stones are still buried in the ground. Because there are no guards who can we ask our sites, we conclude that the temple was found accidentally by a local farmer while plowing the fields. Not only Mantup Temple, because at Jl. Jogja-Wonosari Km 12 was also connected to other archaeological sites. Look forward to continue next article..ok

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